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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I enroll into GFOS & LHS?

For National Guard personnel, please contact your TAG representative for seat availability as each state is alloted one seat with a primary and alternate nominee.

For Civilians and other governmental agencies including federal, state, and senior local leaders can email HSI their resume with a short bio to be considered for the program.

How can I stay updated on the new upcoming events?

The seminar tabs have the most recent updates. If you would like to be added to the HSI alert roster, please email us with the name of the seminar of interest.
How much do I have to pay for the seminars?

Attendee's pay, travel, and allowances must be paid by the participant's organization. The course cost varies from year to year depending on the seminar.
How do I get into the University Program?

The University program is currently under review, and we are not taking new applicants at this time.

1. Choose the specific university program that you are interested in from the university program page.
2. Submit your Letter of Intent to HSI (this is not binding).
3. Contact the university and apply.
4. Upon Acceptance, complete the HSI Program of Study (requirements vary by university).
5. Submit your completion certificates through email to the HSI mailbox.
6. Receive an official HSI Program of Study Completion Certificate and present it to the university to receive credit.

Does HSI have other platforms that I can follow?

You can also follow us on our LinkedIn HSI page.
How do I get my university to be part of the University Program?

The University program is currently under review.

1. Email HSI by introducing yourself and your specific program that you would like to collaborate in.

2. Look over our Program of Study to see how many credits your university will be able to award and tailor our Program of Study to your specific university requirements.

3. Set up a meeting to further discuss.

Who can I contact for other questions?

Email: or call us at 339-202-3110

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